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please set no mail

Posted by: dgarnera <dgarnera@...>

I am taking a sabbatical from the computer. You know I am a first
generation christian. A confirmed talkaholic. Spent hours on the phone
as a teen and preteen. I have made the mistake many a time of sharing to
much information. Although I all I have shared with you about our crisis
was with my husbands permission I feel that I am sure I have shared too
much. And while I appreciated all of the prayer, it has come to my
attention that my requests have been passed from loop to loop in its
interity. I found this out from someone whom I respect dearly and was
embarrassed beyond belief to find out that while she is not on any
lists, she has her own business and is in contact with many people via
the internet. She has had heard about my requests from many people from
all over. Apparently my prayer requests and ventings have been dispersed
to many many lists in cyber land. More people than I would want to know
about the intimate details, now know. Thank God I have been praying a
hedge of protection over my family because my requests could have fell
into the wrong hands. Some one wanting to help could have called local
welfare etc.... stating that I needed food etc... and I could have had
people at my door steps that I would never want here.
So I now think it is time that I take a break from the computer. That I
give it all a rest for a season. I still have much to learn about
trusting in God. And while I was learning much was thrown into the
crisis and freaked. I started calling out for help when I should have
been calling God.
If I have offended anyone with my constant groanings please forgive me.
I still a babe in Christ it feels sometimes. I have so much to learn.
I appreciate all of your prayers and support during this time. If anyone
needs to get a hold of me, please contact my personal email addy. I will
be checking in every now and again.
God bless you all, Debra and family