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Plucking chickens, etc.

Posted by: rsssjm <rsssjm@...>

Hi Pam,

I was wondering if you would mind sharing
a little more info with me. What breed of chicken did you raise for the
meat chickens? Did you just kill male birds, or some hens too? I
thought originally that we would order a straight run, keep the hens for laying
and 2-4 roosters and raise and butcher the males for meat. How do you
do it? I was wondering how time consuming and how difficult the plucking
part is? I've heard that it can differ between breeds, the ease of
plucking. Does anyone know if that is true? I was also thinking of
just ordering broiler chickens for the meat and the Buff's for laying.
Have you ever eaten the duck eggs or cooked with them? I've heard the duck
eggs make good cakes, but don't know for sure never having tried it
myself. Hope you don't mind all the questions.
