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Poem: My Journey

Lord I give my heart and life to you
For I know what you have done
You've suffered pain and agony
My prayers you never shun
For on that cross you took my sins
And bore each single one.

But Lord when I am in the world
The people that I meet
Pretend to care then walk away
When problems lie at my feet
Why don't they care, but only use me
As a toy they like to beat?

I guess I'm worthless around this place -
No one seems to care
I'm not happy living here
I have too much to bear;
I may as well just end it all
For my life's beyond repair

I know I should not think such things
It's not what the Lord desires
But the rejection is more that I can take
It hurts me worse than fire
For I'm unable to be a combination
Of things the world admires.

So I'll read my Bible for I might find
Perhaps a bit of comfort
But I don't know what good it'll do
When my heart has been this hurt
For how could reading possibly help
When you really feel like dirt?

I read that Satan comes to us
to steal, kill, and destroy...
So that's what's happening to me now -
He's stealing all my joy!
Well I won't take this lying down
I'll fight against Satan's ploy

Put on the armor of God it says
And the helmet of salvation
And the sword of the Spirit will truly be
Your help and supplication
And pray ye in the Holy Spirit
On every type of occasion

This I did and sure enough
My mind began to turn
Away from unholy thoughts I had
And I began to learn
That Jesus loves and ACCEPTS as His
What others choose to spurn

We don't have to be perfect
Or work to earn our peace
For everything that Jesus gives
Comes only by His grace
He accepts and loves me as His child
Not just another face

My attitude changed greatly
And my sadness then did cease
For the highest king of all the kings
Loves and needs me to increase
The spreading of His Word and truth
So that others may too have peace

So I can bear whatever comes
And still sing you great praise
For I now have a job to do
Following in Your ways
And when the job is done at last
He's promised that me he'll raise

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:  (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds;) Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ, and having a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.  KJV II Corinthians 10: 3 - 6

So if people don't accept me here
I do not have to run
For God accepts me and showed his love
By giving His only Son
To die upon that cross so that
The victory is won!