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Post regarding Marci--from Caring Bridge

Posted by: cyberkat <cyberkat@...>

This was recently posted on Caring Bridge by Mike Blubaugh:
Greetings to all!
At the very beginning of the diagnosis of Marci's tumor, she was put on a steroid (decadron) to reduce the inflammatory effect of the tumor. As part of the course of alternative therapy, she was weaned off of the steroid which caused a serious change in her condition. At the time therapy started, Marci was able to walk, but most of her getting around was done in a wheelchair. With the steroids removed, she no longer has use of her right side (hand, arm, leg and even facial expression) and her speech, though very limited before, is in essence gone. Still very clear minded and able to communicate with looks and gestures with her left hand. We're 60 percent complete with the original protocol and have added 2 others that are expected to enhance the main therapy. Obviously, we were hoping (and waiting) to give a better report, but wanted you to know where things stood at this point. We can't thank you enough for your prayer support and ask that you continue to lift her up to our Father over the next week as treatment winds down. Reading the comments continues to bring us to tears of thankfulness with the knowledge of so many people interceding for Marci.

We love all of you and remain firmly....

in His grip

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