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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

-Susan Cummings (Apr 20, 2005).

The Lord gave me this mini vision earlier today, and several times
today, off and on, since then. It does not leave, and this is what he
said to me about it...

I saw this vast place of flat land and not much vegetation, but a lot
of rocks and rough landscape, with a few scrub brushes and things.
It was not the desert, but a wilderness area. In this area, were
scattered pieces of broken pottery or vessels lying scattered and
in a discarded manner.

A wind began to blow upon the pieces and they began to lift up off
of the ground and to come together and to attach together and fit
as if they belonged to each other, even though each piece was
different in every aspect. They began to form into an urn of some
type. It became a huge urn and it sat upon the ground and was all
different colors as it was made up of all the different pieces that
were lying around, and yet, they all fit supernaturally, as if they
were all from one piece formerly.

The Lord then stood next to me and said,
"What you see before you is the Season of Refining that has now
closed for My Remnant. I broke My Vessels and scattered them
and brought them fully into My Fire and drove every bit of identity
from them, so that nothing of their former selves would interfere with
My new plans for them in this new season. All that was against me
was stripped from them, and broken into ashes, and removed by
My Breath, as it blew all traces of flesh out of them, and also it
released the hearts that were bound within, and caused them to
be released and to beat again."

"The wilderness was the Season that has now past. My Remnant
are rising up into their places and coming into an understanding
of who they are, and their purpose in Me. I have taught them and
hand fed them as they walked with Me in the lonely and barren
times. I have been their sole portion and their provision. They know
both My Love and My Severity. They embraced My judgments and
will now stand in the Hour of Justice that will burn across the globe."

"The Urn that you saw standing is My Remnant that will be poured
out in the earth. They are the Vessels that I will live through, and
be released through, as I perform My Will in the earth. I am filling
My People with Myself. I have shown you this. You carry a portion,
just as they will and are. I will come forth out of My People in many
ways. I will come forth as I choose to, and do My Work, and it will
not be as the world or the church would want or desire, or even
expect, for I alone am God, and not a man. Man cannot know Me,
unless He is one with Me. My Ways are not man's ways or the
church's ways."

"My Word will bring division to those who are Mine and those who
are not. The breaking has begun and the separation is beginning
to increase greatly, and great will the chasm be between, for no
one will cross over to the other side anymore. Either they are Mine
or not. I showed you the splitting of the heart and it will come. For
I will divide the hearts and spare those who will come to Me. I do
have a People who love Me as their God and who love no other besides Me."

"Great turmoil will increase as the division increases, for many will
try to save themselves and play in the safe place, but the only
place there will be is in My House. You know the Truth, and you
must walk in it, and must show the ones looking for Me the way.
You must run your race and not try to fix the pieces that fall, but
call them forth into obedience to Me, and I will fix those who cry out to Me."

"This is not the same as the Season of Refinement. This is the
Season of Resurrection and the coming together of the dry bones
of My people in the earth. I am not only moving in America, as I
am moving in all nations. The Hour has come, for Mine to come to
Me fully, or be left to the opposite side. Just as when I called to My
people to come to me through Moses upon the Mount, and those
who heard Me, came to Me, and those who didn't perished in the
great shaking, so it shall be again."

"I will no longer tolerate lukewarmness in My House. It will be hot
with Me or cold without Me. I am a Consuming Fire, and My People
will burn and be consumed with Me, or be empty sepulchers. I have
shown you the Tents of Meetings. I have told you to ignite My Tents,
as I have many who are now doing so, as you are. You must not
stop. For the Urn you see, is the corporate rising up of My Tents.
It has begun, and My people are rising up."

"Go and look in the Urn."

I walked up to the Urn and looked inside. It was full of water. It
looked like water. I reached in and felt the water. It was cold and
felt inviting. The Lord stood by Me and nodded. He said to me, "It
is not water. It is the oil that comes through the pipes of My Light
and fills the bowls that will burn with My Fire. I am filling them with
My Living Oil, and am igniting Myself within them, through them,
and upon them, so that no man can say that they have done this.
For it is a heavenly fire that man does not have, and cannot. It is
Holy. It is Me."

Then, the Lord said to look in again.

I looked in again, and it was full of Fire. The Lord smiled this time,
and reached in Himself, and gave me some of it. He said to Me,
"This is the greater portion that has been reserved for My People
in the last Hour. It has been held back, for it is Holy, and I will not
give what is Holy to a generation that did not treasure it above all
else. My Holiness is the pearl of great price. My Word is to be
sought after as that pearl and reverenced as such. I am the Living
Word and the Holy Fire. I will not give Myself to those who do not
love Me nor want Me."

The Lord said to look in again.

I did look in again, and this time, there was a great storm in the
Urn. I was surprised. The Lord said then," I told you the Storm was
coming. It is now upon the earth and will hit. The Storm will bring
the full division of Mine from those who are not, and bring My
Justice. The Remnant has made herself ready and is awaiting my
breath to now bring about the full restoration. That is now begun
also. I am moving them into their places. They will stand, under my
Hand, as I pass over the earth."

"Do not be concerned with when it will happen, but be concerned
with those who I have given to you, and raise them up, as I told
you to. You know what to do, as do all who have My assignments,
now it is time to do so. For the breaking forth now comes and so
does the division. Do not shrink back because of the opposition,
but run with My Mission, and see Me gather Mine to Myself. The
time is drawing close for the Unveiling."

The Lord said to Me one last time, to look into the Urn.

I did so, but felt apprehensive this time. He nodded and so I looked
in. There was black death in the Urn. He nodded gravely and said
to me, "Yes. The black death will come, and it will claim many. I
have warned and called and cried out, and few responded to Me,
even now. What is to be, will now be. The death comes from the
Urn, for My Vessels are instruments of My Mercy and My Wrath.
They will speak forth whatever I tell them to, and they will do My
Will. My Word will judge all men. Every man will choose their fate.
My Word has indeed already gone forth, and it is now being brought
forth, for many plagues have begun, but will increase, as the hearts
now harden."

"You must go and trust Me. If you do not fulfill your destiny and if
you choose to disobey, you too will perish. All who deny Me will
perish. Either on this earth or in eternity, forever apart from Me. No
man is exempt. Even you. You know Me, and have My Word living
in you, and know My Presence, and have partaken of My Fire. You
have no excuse and must follow Me. Do not waver, but go, and give
my Word as I reveal it to you, and fear not, for I am with you, and
with all who are Mine."

"The winds are blowing and the breaking will only increase till the
separation is complete, as I said, so go, for the hour is late, and
the people await Me. For I am the Shepherd and I will gather My
Flock unto Me and shepherd it in the midst of the darkness and
great will be it's Glory as I rise up within it, in the earth."

The Lord then walked away and I was there standing by the wilderness.

-Susan Cummings.