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PowerMac G3's

Posted by: BMichael <BMichael@...>

Everyone needs to go look at <>. The info on the G3
Macs is there. I'm benchmarking mine (G3/233 desktop) and writing it up
as a review ASAP. This is one _very_ impressive Mac! (And now I can talk
about it! Yeah!)

Oh... Warning! SDRAM memory is somewhat hard to find, and a _little_ more
expensive than "standard" DIMMs. 32Mb run $159, 64Mb $359, although I've
found one source that _had_ (and may soon have more) them for less. If
you order a machine, email me and I'll give you a contact for RAM.

Also, if you're a member of the developer program, don't forget to check
the prices over there...
