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Posted by: Goatsnsoaps <Goatsnsoaps@...>

HI all, hope everyone is well, I just wanted to share a wonderful praise with
you all and let you know the adoption of my new neices and nephews is going
through. I had the pleasure of meeting them on saturday, they are such great
kids despite all they've been though. I am amazed to think that one of my
sisters purposes in this life was to give a wonderful home to these kids that
have never had one. I have been struggling so much lately (in my marriage)
and really needed this to remind me that God is in control of all things. And
I need to quite trying to handle situations on my own and give it over to God
(without taking it back every 10 minutes) I pasted a copy of my sisters
letter, I hope it touches you as much as it did me.

GOOD morning! As of today, we have become a family of 9. James and CJ moved
in on Sunday and the Linda and Alma have all of their things here (and do
they have "things") but they are at camp until Friday.

So far so good! It has been hectic to say the least the last couple of days
moving everyone's things around but as we begin to settle in, things are
quieting down and we all are feeling very comfortable with each other. The
kids are great. I'm a little stressed but that is just me. Greg always
knows just what to say or do, that's how he is (thank God). All of our
furniture has arrived with the exception of our kitchen table and chairs. As
we have eaten out more than usual lately, it hasn't been a problem yet.
James' birthday is Friday, He will be 15. He really wanted a new family be
his birthday and now he has it. God is so faithful!

This is going to be a long road, we know. Their Dad is appealing their goal
change but with his back ground and history or lack there of, we believe that
this is just another hurdle to overcome. Please be Praying for us all.
Especially the kids as they do not want anything to do with their Dad at all.
We have school registration this week, sports sign is when it
really sinks in. I am the mother of "7" SEVEN children. I am so blessed
(and a little crazy I think) but I wouldn't change a thing!

God has been so remarkable through out this whole thing. When I finally
decided to give Him everything and not try and control it myself (as I
usually do), things went forward. Sometimes being patient and waiting for
him was difficult but well worth it! If any thing else, he was faithful and
patient and loving. All the things I hope to be as a Mom, friend, daughter,
sister. But it seems I fall short some times. Be patient with me as I try
to do better in that department.

Prayer! What a powerful thing. Pray for anything and ALL things. God will
listen and answer. You just have to be quiet enough to hear him (another
weak point on my part). Search for your gifts and use them. We all have
different things to offer eachother. I know without each of you I would be
lost. Thanks for being there for us all and all of your Prayers and support.

We will keep you updated on our progress and can't wait to introduce you all
to the expanded Wilson Family.