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{PRAISE} thank you God

Posted by: bandaddie <bandaddie@...>

Most of you will recall that some time ago i was at odds with a particular
MoM, with whom i had major differances over music, and theology. I thought
her to be an overbearing, egotistical control freak with sacreligious and
eronious ways and ideas. She considered me to be a borish arrogant male
chauvanist pig (GUILTY!), incablable of reason & tact (DOUBLE GUILTY!) and
unwilling to work subordinate to a woman (I have had a female CO, thus i
know I will), and not having the ability to ever properly play bass. We
parted company and I left that church under a cloud of harsh feelings felt
by all.

Back then I purchased for our church 3 sets of Shure 58's with heavy duty
cables and stands. Since I had given them to the church, it was not my place
to take them with me when we parted company. That church has since fallen
apart, I am sorry to say. I am happy to say the pastor has been placed in a
church which is now growing and thriving, Praise God. I am in desperate need
of vocal mikes so i called this lady to find out what happened to the mikes,
and, if they are available, could i borrow them for the benefit coming soon.
She very gladly gave them back to me and we had an opertunity to talk. She
told me she has been following my progress in my bands. She is no longer a
MoM, but just a helper and back-up singer in another P&W band, and feeling
much more at home with her roll in serving the Lord. She told me she feels
we are both where we belong right now, and lead by the Holy Spirit. I told
her I think much on how she was so instrumental in getting me out from
behind the castle walls i had built around myself half a decade ago, and up
onto stage playing music. I doubt i'd being doing this had it not been for
her. We both apologized, and asked for and granted forgiveness.

There has not been a cloud in the sky here for a few days, and yet, this
afternoon, the sun is shining a little brighter on the Outer Banks.

Çetin Basaran
**** **** **** ****
"vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit"

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