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Posted by: dgarnera <dgarnera@...>

I am in awe of God's power right now!!!
Yesterday things seemed the bleakest. Absolutely no contact. Not even
through someone else. The supervisor of the jail said that there would
be no contact until some sort of treatment plan was completed, and this
could not be done with him in jail. So we were looking at 6 months to a
year of absolutely no contact. Then they said that he would most likely
not get house arrest because he would be tempted to make contact.
And if he was in jail they would have total control of his finances,
they would not even cut me a check after the bills were paid.
Well God is more powerful than they are!!!
I just got word that my husband did get house arrest. And that they are
working on supervised visitation. And our attorney said that if they
continue to talk about a treatment program that he will go back before
the judge with a psycologist to have it thrown out. The attorney said
that we will see Jeff soon.
Let me tell you I am jumping for joy here!!! As long as he is out on
house arrest he can work as much as possible. All of our bills will be
paid. He can go to counseling or parenting classes if that will help
expidite things. In jail on work release all you can do is go to work.
Thank you all so much for your prayers. I am overcome with emotions
right now. The thought of not having any contact was ver overwhelming. I
miss him so much.
Thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart.
God is so good to those who call upon Him, even when their faith is as
small as a mustard seed. I asked for a sign that this would all work out
for the best. I got my sign!! Praise the Lord it came in neon!!!!
Blessings,debra and family