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Pray please

Posted by: BeckyBoop4 <BeckyBoop4@...>

Would you all please pray for my mom, she was suppose to be heading for home
today and home is thru Somerset, Pa. And to top all of that my niece ran up
an incredible phone bill and my sis's phone is turned off. so I can't even
find out if mom has left or still in Sandusky!My mom and sister went to visit
my other sister in Dallas last week, they flew home yesterday, thank you
Father! Anyhow all this stuff hits my sister when she leaves home. My niece
is a real piece of cake, the bill was way over a thousand dollars, she went
thru a 10-10 # and even though the long distance was turned off on the phone
they still allowed the 10-10. Thanks for letting me vent. My stepdad is
hysterical so I know she is on her way there. She may not even know what's
happening. She's in a little white Taurus, you know the one that looks like a
alien space egg, that's what my kids call it. ooooh I gotta pray now, thanks

For God has not given the spirit of fear but of power, and love and a sound