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Prayer and Support

Posted by: WSmith0825 <WSmith0825@...>

Hello, my name is Willis Smith. I live in Aurora Illinois. I need your prayers and possible financial support.

It is with sheer regret and embarrassment that I have to write this letter. But at the moment I have no shame, pride or reservation left. This is out of sheer desperation!

I need to raise or borrow $2150 (this includes rent, late fees and $390 for attorney’s fees) in order to avoid eviction in about a week and a half. My wife, daughter and 2 year old granddaughter are being subject to this. I have tried asking family and personal friends and so far the only thing that has turned up is $300 from my church (Calvary Chapel in Lemont, IL). So, now I have a balance of $1,850 to raise by December 10th. I have no where else to turn.

I am only one month (November) behind in my rent. My wife had to fly to Florida to see her son back in mid October and that thru us behind financially. She is working full time but I am not. I am looking for work. We can just scrape by with her salary, but when unexpected things come up, it is hard to recover.

If I could receive a $10 gift from 190 churches, that would solve my problem. I am not asking for a hand out, I am willing to work out a payment plan for the needed funds.

If you are able to help in any way or know someone who could, I would ask that you send a cashier's check made out, NOT TO ME, but to my apartment complex: Amli at Oakhurst, Aurora, IL For Apt 422.

My address is: Willis & Karen Smith - 2889 Amli Dr. Apt 422 Aurora, IL 60504
Phone: 630-803-1872 – Cell
630-499-1682 - Home

Thank you and God Bless You for your prayers and support.
Willis Smith