{PRAYER} Celebration
Quote from Forum Archives on November 15, 2003, 1:15 pmPosted by: david.alitz <david.alitz@...>
Just a quick note to let you know that today my wife is being
consecrated as a diaconal minister in the ELCA (Lutheran).The diaconal roster is a fairly new roster. It's defined as a minister
of Word and service as opposed to the traditional pastor which is a
minister of Word and sacrement. Generally, it means that her ministry
doesn't regularly include preaching or the sacrements. The consecration
service for diaconal ministers is the equivalent to ordaination for a
pastor. As a symbol of her service, she receives a bowl and towel;
symbolic of Jesus' washing the disciples feet. Pastors in the ELCA are
presented with a stole.Please offer a prayer of celebration with us today as we mark a
milestone in our spiritual journey.Dave Alitz
(P.S. After this is over, I can stop cleaning the house for guests and
get to work assembling my Gecko!)
Posted by: david.alitz <david.alitz@...>
consecrated as a diaconal minister in the ELCA (Lutheran).
The diaconal roster is a fairly new roster. It's defined as a minister
of Word and service as opposed to the traditional pastor which is a
minister of Word and sacrement. Generally, it means that her ministry
doesn't regularly include preaching or the sacrements. The consecration
service for diaconal ministers is the equivalent to ordaination for a
pastor. As a symbol of her service, she receives a bowl and towel;
symbolic of Jesus' washing the disciples feet. Pastors in the ELCA are
presented with a stole.
Please offer a prayer of celebration with us today as we mark a
milestone in our spiritual journey.
Dave Alitz
(P.S. After this is over, I can stop cleaning the house for guests and
get to work assembling my Gecko!)