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[PRAYER] Financial Relief; Post Partum relief (for my WIFE!)

Posted by: smithdl <smithdl@...>

I won't go into all the details, but given an already difficult financial
situation (two *step*-daughters with hereditary nifritis from their father
and all the medical bills that entails, wife on maternity leave and newborn
baby, oldest has such bad teeth due to paternal neglect with the baby bottle
that the last visit to the dentist brought a threat to call children's
services if the teeth went any longer with out dental surgery), my wife
received notice today that our fine federal government was cutting off her
benefits due to the fact that she did not respond to a letter sent in August
(which we never received.) My wife is suffering from post partem depression,
and also is recovering from anxiety/stress due to a situation in the
workplace from which she was on medical leave, so getting that in the mail
did not help her situation at all.

I'm not working/gigging as much as I was in the summer, mostly because I'm
more looking for a music ministry opportunity or to at least gig with
Christians (which looks like it's about to happen, pray for that too!) so
there hasn't been as much money coming in and we've already gotten a couple
of "final notices" in the mail. I'm going to be trying to sell off gear that
I a) don't use or b) don't *really* need. We're going to call the HRDC and
try to straighten this bureaucratic scew up in the morning. But I'd
appreciate your prayers, cuz I know this is the enemy. Thanks guys, God



Andrew Jackson-Smith
Bass Guitar
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