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Prayer for Jobs

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

I know there are several families on this list in need of jobs for hubbies.
I have 3 friends that have husbands that need work. Many of you know my
friend Steffanie. Last Thursday as they were packing to leave for the new
job in Mobile, AL the company called to tell him they'd changed their mind.
He does not have a job, they are back to looking again. The house sell also
fell through. Some of you know Debbie O., her husband is out of work as
well. They are driving to WY this week for a job interview....they need
some's really taking a tole on Debbie's health. Then their's
Debbie H.....her husband has barely worked this month and their finances are
scary. He's put in lots of job applications but as of yet nothing has
firmed up. I know there are others on this list. Prehaps we can all take a
few moments to pray today for fellow believers that are without jobs, for
the men involved that they will rise above the emotions that come with not
being able to provide that security for their families, wives, to rest and
let the Lord work...set the worry aside.

Thanks for listening....Deanna