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Posted by: chrisc <chrisc@...>

Hello all. Please send a prayer up for my wife. She's wanted braces
very badly since she was a kid but her fmaily couldn't afford them. We
started checking around for pricing and payment plans and visiting
orthodontists...the first guy was nice and thorough but said she would
have to have all her wisdom teeth pulled, maybe other teeth, oral
surgery to widen her upper jaw etc. And she had to have a lot of dental
work done (cavities filled) before getting the braces.

The next guy she visited said no surgery, no pulling (except one
possible tooth in the future), he seemed very professional and thorough
and he could start in a week. The price was lower than the first with a
better payment plan. He said the dentist could easily work around the
braces to do the fillings. She just got the braces a week ago after a
week of horrible pain with spacers where she couldn't eat or sleep.

She went to the dentist today and the dentist about went through the
roof...not because of her but because of the orthodontist. He said that
basically everything this orthodontist has told her is not true and that
if she stayed on his course of action her jaw would be messed up for
life. He cancelled his next appointment to work with Melissa on this
and find her another reputable orthodontist to get another opinion. The
dentist was so mad at the orthodontist that he excused himself, went to
his office and called the orthodontist himself to complain to him. All
the orthodontist would say is "send her back and we'll take them off".

Her braces will probably have to be completely removed, we will have to
work to get our initial payment back and Melissa has dealt with a lot of
pain and frustration the last 2 weeks, then the "joy" of finally seeing
her dream of getting braces and getting straight teeth, only to be taken
back to square one. Needless to say she is VERY VERY upset by all of this.

Please pray for her (us) in this. God will cover this...stand with us
in prayer.

Chris Cummings
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