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Prayer Reminder For Pastor Bob

Posted by: sr.williams <sr.williams@...>

Good Afternoon Everyone!


This is just a brief reminder to be in prayer for Pastor Bob tomorrow as he undergoes his knee replacement surgery. We need to specifically pray:


1.     For wisdom and guidance of the attending physicians and surgical team.


2.     Against any complications and/or infections, that the procedure is a complete and thorough success!


3.     For Pastor Bob’s strength during and after the procedure, that he come through the procedure with flying colors and that he recovers quickly!!


4.     For Jo Ann as she works to nurse Bob back to health after the procedure.


Thank you!


Sincerely yours,

Stephen R. Williams

(928) 735-7311 (Greer)

(972) 523-2401 (Cell/Text)


From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Bob Tolliver
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2019 11:33 AM
To: [email protected]
Cc: Bob Tolliver <[email protected]&gt;; Robert Tolliver <[email protected]&gt;
Subject: [hope4kyiv] LUMglobal #139 -- 10-14-19


Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Partners:

Please find attached our latest praise and prayer report letter, filled with fresh and new information about God's blessings, ministry fruit, challenges, and prayer requests.  The past six months have been some of the most challenging we've faced in a number of years.  Yet, with the challenges God has provided His abundant sufficiency above and beyond what we could have anticipated.

If this letter represents anything, it represents two things:
    1.  Challenges we did not expect.
    2.  Provisional surprises we could not have dreamed.

As we sent this letter, we do have a very special prayer request.  As you recall, a year ago last February 25th, Bob tore the meniscus in his right knee as he stepped up on stage to close our Sunday service here at Chapel de Oro.  The following April he had "clean out" surgery done in Bolivar, MO.  Pain and discomfort slowly increased until finally in August, 2018, he had a series of five visco-supplementational ("rooster's comb") shots.  Their benefit was minimal and temporary.

So, after continued deterioration, he is scheduled for knee replacement surgery this coming Wednesday, October 16th, at the Yuma Regional Medical Center here in Yuma, AZ.

There is never a good time for any kind of surgery, and this is no exception.  Chapel de Oro ministry begins two weeks from next Sunday, on November 5th.  We anticipate that he will be hospitalized two to three days before coming home to begin the rehabilitation process.  Pray for both of us during this time of adjusting.

Also, something we did not mention in the attached letter is that, after the dormant Summer season, we have put the ministry 5th wheel on a consignment lot for sale.  We won't get as much from it as if we had advertised it on various social media outlets and put it on an open self-advertising lot, but we knew it would not be practical in light of Bob's knee surgery.  So, please pray that it will sell quickly and for the minimum asking price we must have.

Enjoy the letter.  If you need it in a Word Document instead of PDF, drop us a personal note.

In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,

Bob and Jo Ann
The Tollivers


Bob Tolliver
Life Unlimited Ministries

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