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Prayer Request and Advice

Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

`Dear Sisters,

I am in need of prayer and advice. Last winter, I had HORRIBLE allergies all winter long. I did not sleep much on many nights. My nose would totally stop up so that no air at all would go through and then I had so much phlgem in my throat, I thought I was going to drown. I would wake up almost in panic to try and catch a breath. Sitting up helped very little. I tried many herbal things, we kept water going on the stove at all times, I even went to allergy and sinus medications which did very little. Well, last night it hit again.
I heard some people say that had horrible allergies with wood heat. However, last night we did not have our woodstove going and it has not for a couple of weeks, and then it was only on about 3 days. I heard others say they developed allergies to burning kerosene lamps. However, they burn every night in my house summer and winter. That is what our lighting is. I do know that last year we did get mold and mildew in the house due to poor attic ventilation. Many people with allergies are relieved when it rains, mine seem to get worse. It rained Thursday night.
I was tested in Florida for allergies (they were not near as bad though). It said I reacted to dust. In fact the doctor said, you must be a mess when you dust your house. I have never noticed a problem and still don't. I barely reacted to molds and I know I am allergic to them. HELP!!!!!!!!!! I cannot go through another winter like the last one. Please pray for me and please give me any advice you can think of. Thank you!!

Wanting to please my Lord and Savior,
Marci, Adopted List Momma
Amazing Graze Farms

Keep striving to be the best Keeper At Home you can be!!