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Prayer request and update

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

Thank you to everyone that prayed for my friend Steffanie (many on the list
know her from past lists). They did indeed sell their house but as of yet
hubby is still without a job.

They were supposed to close on the house Sept. hubby a few
more weeks to finalize something. However, Tuesday morning at 11:30 am they
received a call from the Escrow company telling them the buyer had set
closing for Thursday at 3. (2 days worth of notice) They were in shock.
They called the buyer and asked for a couple of days after closing to exit
it the house since they'd not been notified of the closing date change. Not
only did he refuse...he got very mean....told them if they were not out of
the house before he signed papers on Thursday (he's coming by the house to
check), that the whole deal is off. They can't afford to put the house back
on the market. They managed to get everything packed and loaded last
night. (Just kept out their beds to sleep on and were loading those this
morning. After much prayer they have decided to head to Oregon this
afternoon after they sign. Chuck had a third interview scheduled for Gold
Beach, OR next Wednesday. He called them to tell them of their situation
and asked if he could just interview in person. The company was THRILLED!
They are heading in faith to Oregon, with no firm job, no idea where to
live, 6 kids in a van (one is 3 months old). They have 9 days from today to
figure out where to put their stuff (or start paying for storage). I
figured the gals here would know how to pray for them. When I talked with
her Tuesday night she was concerned about homeschooling the children in this
mess (she's a very determined homeschooling mom).

Thanks for letting me share....Deanna