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Prayer Request Updates Needed!!

Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

Dear Sisters in the Lord,

It is time for some updates on our prayer requests. I may not remember all of them to list, but here are some of them:

Leacy, how is the job interview going? Any news yet?

Deanna, how are things with Steff and her family? Any more word on when your hubby comes home?

Nancy in OK, how is your situation there?

Debra, how are things going with you and your husband?

Tammy, how are you and Hudson doing? Are all the little H's being Mommas right along with you?

My cousin Tim is back in the hospital doing very badly. They don't know if he is going to make it. They are having to aspirate his lungs every 2 hours.

Let us continue to pray for the family of the victims of last weeks attack.

Wanting to please my Lord and Savior,
Marci, Adopted List Momma
Amazing Graze Farms

Keep striving to be the best Keeper At Home you can be!!