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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

-by 'PrayInTongues'.

I've been thinking. About 7 years ago our city had a Gay Parade. It
was full of near-nudity and semi-sex acts so was very popular with
thousands lining the streets and it was shown in full on TV. It was
this city's greatest shame.

I don't know that I got a specific call from God to go but I just found
myself on many Sundays walking that exact route praying in
tongues. I did this for one year and was discouraged to hear the
Gay leader interviewed saying that the Parade was in good financial
heart and wd go on forever. So I prayed through a second year,
always in tongues. It only took about an hour on Sundays, and I
would certainly miss many Sundays.

Anyway, suddenly, next year, there were problems. The Gay
leader was interviewed again and there were money problems.
They weren't getting the financial support they needed. So at first
they were going to re-route it through a remote part of the city,
then even that fell through.

I half-expected it to return, but it never has. That was about 6 years
ago. Now it wouldn't be only me - many many Christians would
have been praying for God to take this abomination from our city.
But what if, just maybe....

If just one person praying in tongues while walking the route Sunday
by Sunday can close down a Gay Parade in a city of more than a
million people, then why not EVERY city that has a Gay Parade?
Why not New Orleans? What if all the Christians of New Orleans
walked the route every Sunday praying and (why not) weeping
before God...what wouldn't God do?

And (and this is the sobering thought for me) what may I have
saved my city, my nation from? We are right on the sea. For
decades I have had dreams and visions of enormous storm-surges
smashing up and over the city. One was so real that I woke up
amazed that my wall hadn't been smashed in and there wasn't
water flooding my room. I now think that this was God letting me
know that this was what Satan intended for my city.... oh, the
power of praying in tongues! Oh the importance of the calling to
Intercession! Oh, the power of even a sinful, nothing person praying
with words supplied by the Holy Spirit of Almighty God!!

~From the Forum at