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prayers please

Posted by: empalo <empalo@...>

Today, we got a call from the police at noon time. Scott had been caught stealing items to
start a fire. We had always kept such a tight reign on him but in the last few days, out of pure
survival, we let him go out for a few hours on his own. He was less than a mile from home. In the
communities one small store.
He has been put under house arrest and has to see the local judge tomorrow morning.
My husband and I had prayed together this morning that the Lord spoil any evil plans that
Scott might think up. I prayed that he be caught in any wrong doing. The Lord is so good.
But with him under house arrest, it will be difficult to maintain any sanity or peace within the family.
Please again, reknew any prayers you had for us and pray for good discernent on the judge.
Naturally Scott was ticketed for the offence of stealing items under the amount of $50 and we are
having to pay for the ticket, so we are selling some of his things to raise money. It seems only
fair that he have to pay for his offence.
I am bone weary.
It had started out such a nice day. We even went out to buy 3 new fruiit trees, and now we plant
them with our own tears for a boy who will not repent and change his ways.

Lovingly and so very humbled,
Pat in texas where the sun shines even on sad hearts