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pregnancy prayer request

Posted by: heritage <heritage@...>

Dear Sisters~

Next month (around the 15th, my dates are really *iffy* this time) we are
expecting our 7th blessing. We have a midwive who we really like, she is a
believer and also very non-interventive (in the birth process, leaving the
choices up to the father). But this past weekend we found out that there is
a major doctrinal difference, one that we while we do not agree with, we
allow grace to prevail but those in her church consider those who do not
agree with them as heathen...This is so greatly disturbing to us as we have
several friends in this group and do not feel comfortable having her at our
birth if she feels this way...I know this is very vague but would you all
please pray. You can imagine the difficulty of finding another midwife at
this point and the deep sadness of losing friends.

Thank you.
Blessings in Him~
Gladheart Acres