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preparing young men

Posted by: mestes <mestes@...>

I have a 17 yos, a 10yos and 1 1/2 yos. Blessed is the mother of many sons!!!

We have tried to instill in Chris the values and morals that we hold dear, a love for our Father, a trust of our Father, and a love for His word and prayer. There are times when we must trust the Father that we are teaching the right things.

One of the things that we have tried to teach Chris is to live with no debt. We haven't been successful at that, had too much debt before we knew the harm in it. We use our life as an example of the consequences of debt. He saved his money from his job and sold our old van and bought him a really nice car this summer, a 1986 BMW 735i. It is in good condition and will last him for many years. It was a wise investment for him. We also have a goal of his buying a house mortgage free before he moves out of our home. He is saving for it now. (doesn't have much saved, but it will come). We realise that this may mean that he live at home for a longer period of time than is customary, but if we can accomplish this, he will begin his life so far ahead of where we began. Imagine having no house payment! no car payment! and a funded retirement account!

He's a good boy, he trusts us to lead him on a right path. I have always been astounded at his trust in us. I never felt that with my parents the way he shows it to us. We guard that trust. It is such a blessing and not to be squandered. I know that most would have that the other way around, our trusting him. We do trust him most of the time (we had an incident that damaged that for a while). I know how important to him that we trust him and I try to show that trust even when I don't necessarily feel it in my humanness. Not trusting is more my nature and I must fight that nature as I raise my boys.
