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preparing young men for life

Posted by: empalo <empalo@...>

Greetings in the Lord !

Since so many of us have young men around the same age, perhaps we could share a bit
how we are preparing them to be heads of households and responsible men.
I think that is my biggest concern. I pray that my boys learn a trade or have a life job that
does not take them away from the family. I watch our Mennonite friends with Dad home much
of the time due to self employment and able to have their sons right along next to him working
as they grow.
My oldest son works for my husband, which has been a great thing. He worked all summer
full time and now gets a few hours in on the week-end and after school hours.
My second son, who is 13 worked all summer at a small engine shop run by one of the
mennonite ministers. It was good for him and he feels more accomplished.
Both boys have farm chores and house chores also.
I want them to both be strong leaders in their homes too. To be priests in their homes.

My husband grew up without electricity and running water on a wheat farm in Kansas and
worked long and hard from a young age so he has been a wonderful example. But has a
difficult time leading family worship and such. Its just hard for him to do.
So I worry that my boys are not learning to do that.
I would be happy to hear what some of you are doing to encourage your young men in
being future leaders in the home.

Seeking His will,