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Present Him With a Gift

Posted by: Asn <Asn@...>

On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. Matthew 2:11

Are you finished with your Christmas shopping; the gifts wrapped and under the tree; the mantel decorated with tinsel and lights; the smells of the season wafting from the kitchen? Christmas is here again - my favorite time of year! But I wonder how many times we go through the Christmas season and forget why we celebrate.

Imagine that it is your birthday and someone throws you a party. All of your friends, relatives and neighbors are invited and pretty soon the house is filled with people talking, laughing, having a great time - but totally ignoring you. Cake is passed around and everyone gets a piece, but there is not enough for you to have any. Everyone brought gifts and they begin to give them to each other. In the end, all the guests go home happy; they even drop you a note that reads, "Thank you that Aunt Mimi didn't sing 'Away in a Manger' this year."

Facetious, yes; but true nonetheless. As you celebrate Christmas this year, don't forget the One whose birth we celebrate. Jesus came to earth to dwell among us; Emmanuel - God with us. He came humbly, helpless, one of us. The mouth that spoke the worlds into existence uttered unintelligible baby noises. The hands that formed the intricate body of man clenched tightly around Mary's little finger. Yes, He came as a baby, but He didn't stay a baby. He is our risen King, our Savior and Lord! Let's celebrate Jesus this Christmas!

Lord Jesus, please forgive me for letting Christmas be about "stuff." It's really all about You. Thank You for being "God in a body," for coming to dwell among us, to walk this soil and breathe this air. You are all God and all man, and this Christmas I give You the one thing You desire from me; the only thing that is worthy of so great a King. Jesus, I give You adoration. Amen.