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Principles of Effective Prayer - Part 2

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So Jesus told them, "Pray in this way: `Father, help us to honor your name. Come and set up your kingdom. Give us each day the food we need. Forgive our sins, as we forgive everyone who has done wrong to us. And keep us from being tempted.” (Luke 11:2-4 CEV)

There are several different types of prayer. A few of them are listed here.

Rote prayer – Rote prayers are prayers that are recited or read verbatim. Many people recite the Lord’s Prayer as a rote prayer. Rote prayers can be a good place to start if prayer is unfamiliar to you, but we need not and should not stay at this level of prayer.

Fellowship prayer – Fellowship prayer is talking with God as to a friend – not in a careless or trite manner, but in sharing every part of our day and our life with Him. Acknowledge His presence; tell Him you love Him; ask Him for wisdom; thank Him for every blessing He bestows. Fellowship prayer should continue throughout the day – “without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Intercession – Intercessory prayer is standing in the gap. In part 1 of this series, I told about praying with my mom for my dad’s work situation, and praying with a friend about a situation that put others in danger. Both of these instances are intercessory prayer. Intercessors are the watchmen on the walls (see Isaiah 62:6-7); they partner with God to see His will accomplished, and pray through until the answer comes. Every Christian can grow and develop in the area of intercession.

Spiritual warfare – Spiritual warfare is often entered into through the doorway of intercession. As its name implies, spiritual warfare is aggressive prayer. Spiritual warfare commands the forces of darkness to come in line with the Word of God. When the battle is won in the spirit realm first, the natural realm will follow suit. Spiritual warfare requires an understanding of spiritual weapons and an unshakable confidence in God’s promises applicable to the particular situation. Read 1 Samuel 17 and you’ll find that David did spiritual warfare against the giants of fear and intimidation before taking one step toward Goliath. He reframed the battle in the spirit realm before he ever put a stone in his sling.

What are the principles that make prayer effective? More to come in part 3.

Father, thank You that You hear me when I pray. Without Your ear, there would be no purpose for prayer. But because You, my Shepherd, are with me, I have no cause for alarm. You are for me. I love You, my Father. Amen.