Principles of Effective Prayer - Part 3
Quote from Forum Archives on March 15, 2008, 11:34 amPosted by: <@...>
Inside the Tent of Meeting, the Lord would speak to Moses face to face,
as one speaks to a friend. Exodus 33:11a NLTFor prayer to be effective, we must first understand the position of
prayer. I am told the Greek word for prayer is proseuche, which is
comprised of two words:* Pros, meaning to be with, in close proximity to
* Euche, meaning a vow, desire or request
Prayer is a face-to-face, spirit-to-spirit conversation with God
Almighty. Moses understood this. When he went to the tent of meeting,
he was mindful of the fact that he was going to meet with the Creator of
the universe, and that the Creator of the universe knew him by name and
called him friend.When Jesus surrendered His spirit on the cross, the veil of the temple -
the massive curtain that separated the presence of God from the people -
was torn in two from top to bottom (Matthew 27:50-51). No longer would
God be separated from His children with the high priest being the only
one who could enter His presence; Jesus became our High Priest (Hebrews
4:14), so you and I, common everyday men and women, could communicate
with God directly through Him (John 16:23).Hebrews 4:16 tells us to come boldly before the throne of grace. Boldly
does not mean boorishly or presumptuously; God deserves reverence.
Rather, boldness is an unshakable confidence in belonging. Those who
are in Christ have the right to go directly to the throne of Father God
(the very highest seat of authority in the entire universe - past,
present and future), not based upon our own merit or goodness, but
because of the completed work of Jesus on the cross. The God of the
bible is not some far-off cosmic dignitary, but a personal, loving
Father. He is approachable, and He yearns to talk with you (1 Peter
3:12).Heavenly Father, thank You that Your ears are open to the prayers of
Your children, and that You answer out of Your great love. Lord, even
though You manage the universe and the affairs of nations, You are
never too busy to hear my heart cry out to You. I love You, Father.
Posted by: <@...>
as one speaks to a friend. Exodus 33:11a NLT
For prayer to be effective, we must first understand the position of
prayer. I am told the Greek word for prayer is proseuche, which is
comprised of two words:
* Pros, meaning to be with, in close proximity to
* Euche, meaning a vow, desire or request
Prayer is a face-to-face, spirit-to-spirit conversation with God
Almighty. Moses understood this. When he went to the tent of meeting,
he was mindful of the fact that he was going to meet with the Creator of
the universe, and that the Creator of the universe knew him by name and
called him friend.
When Jesus surrendered His spirit on the cross, the veil of the temple -
the massive curtain that separated the presence of God from the people -
was torn in two from top to bottom (Matthew 27:50-51). No longer would
God be separated from His children with the high priest being the only
one who could enter His presence; Jesus became our High Priest (Hebrews
4:14), so you and I, common everyday men and women, could communicate
with God directly through Him (John 16:23).
Hebrews 4:16 tells us to come boldly before the throne of grace. Boldly
does not mean boorishly or presumptuously; God deserves reverence.
Rather, boldness is an unshakable confidence in belonging. Those who
are in Christ have the right to go directly to the throne of Father God
(the very highest seat of authority in the entire universe - past,
present and future), not based upon our own merit or goodness, but
because of the completed work of Jesus on the cross. The God of the
bible is not some far-off cosmic dignitary, but a personal, loving
Father. He is approachable, and He yearns to talk with you (1 Peter
Heavenly Father, thank You that Your ears are open to the prayers of
Your children, and that You answer out of Your great love. Lord, even
though You manage the universe and the affairs of nations, You are
never too busy to hear my heart cry out to You. I love You, Father.