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Principles of Effective Prayer - Part 5

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The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].  James 5:16b Amplified Bible



In Acts 12, King Herod determined to harass the early church by persecuting its leaders.  He killed James, a disciple of Jesus and brother of John.  He had Peter thrown into prison and appointed four squads of soldiers to guard him, intending to bring him up for what would likely be a mockery of a trial after the Passover.  The church responded by going to their knees.  For at least eight days (the length of Passover) they interceded, praying fervently and persistently for Peter.  The night before his trial, God sent an angel into his cell.  The angel awakened Peter from sleep, led him past the soldiers and out of the prison.


Effective prayer is fervent prayer.  It is like a fire burning in your spirit.  It lays hold of heaven and refuses to let go.  It won't back up or back down.  Fervent prayer holds its ground despite obstacles and delays because delay does not mean denial (see Matthew 15:21-28 and Luke 18:1-7)


Intercessors are the appointed watchmen on the walls mentioned in Isaiah 62 who will not hold their peace day or night or give God rest until the circumstances get in line with His promise.  I have had the privilege of rubbing shoulders with some of these watchmen - very capable intercessors who know how to do business in heaven - and I've seen first hand the tremendous power that is available to those who know their authority as believers and refuse to give up.


While there are those who are God-called intercessors, I believe that all of us can operate in that gift from time to time.  Like the mother who refused to quit praying for her teenage son even after he was arrested and facing life in prison.  She cheered for him as he graduated from bible school last week.  Or the bible school students in India who are interceding for their respective districts and effecting change in the spiritual atmosphere of a nation.


What do you think would happen if we all refused to leave God alone concerning our nations?  Our cities?  Our families?  You may be the only one you know praying for your family, your city, even your nation, but one persistent faith-filled voice is all it takes.  Let us fill heaven with effective, persistent prayer.



Heavenly Father, I thank You that I can come boldly before Your throne of grace and find mercy (Hebrews 4:16) on behalf of my nation, my city, my family, even my own life.  We need Your mercy, my Father, and we will seek Your face.  Pour out Your Spirit - the early and the latter rains together (Joel 2:23, James 5:7).  We pray in Jesus' name.  Amen



You can find more information on the subject of intercession in a book titled "Don't Leave God Alone: How to Get God's Attention, Remain in His Presence, and Even Change His Mind to Make a Difference in Your World" by Hank Kunneman (Strang Communications).  And Stormie Omartian's book series on prayer has touched millions of people.

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