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Problem with CTB callback crashing ?

Posted by: mags <mags@...>

Hello All,

I seem to be having a little problem with a CommsToolBox
call back.

I have added a search to the incoming data using the
CMAddSearch function. This seems to work OK and returns
a valid Reference number.

callBackProc& = @FN MySearchCallBack
flags% = _Cmsearchsevenbit

gActiveSearch& = FN CMAddSearch(gModemConn&,searchTxt$,flags%,callBackProc&)

My problem occurs when CMRead calls the Search Call Back.

>From what I can understand the connection manager should return three
variables to the CallBack ie,

LOCAL FN MySearchCallBack (HConn&, MatchPtr&, RefNum&)


This seems to happen OK however when the code steps through END FN
my system crashes even if I have left the function empty as I have
done above.

According to Inside Mac the HConn& should be the connection record the
search was called from and RefNum& should be the same as gActiveSearch&.
>From looking at the code while running the Debugger this is not the case.
HConn& is the same as gActiveSearch& and RefNum& seems to be always 1.

Confused to say the least.

Has anyone any suggestions ?

Thanks in advance,
