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Pumpkin seeds

Posted by: kmat <kmat@...>

----- Original Message -----
From: David Haley <>
> I have a friend here in MN that treats her goats and sheep with pumpkins.
> She grows lots and lots of pumpkins. 5 years in a row her animals have
> parasite free (vet tested). She believes it's the pumpkins. At any sign
> diarhea she treats with slippery elm. Kind of wish I'd grown pumpkins
> year! Deanna

Hi Deanna,

Just curious how often she feeds them the seeds? As often as you would
normally deworm them? And how many pumpkins does she cut open/how many
goats does she have?

We have four HUGE pumpkin plants, which I will freeze the pumpkin so I can
make pumpkin bread for my family, and I will bake some seeds for us
for munching too hopefully. I know who to feed the extra seeds to now,

Pam in MN