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Q & A

Posted by: thpines <thpines@...>

Name: Heather Mcfarland
Age: 37
Location: NW PA
Approximately when you joined the list: A while ago, can't remember
Married? Yes
How long? almost 6 years
Number of children, sex and age of each:
Tommy(13), Ken (10), Rebekah (8), Jessalyn (4)
Do you homeschool: yes
Occupation if outside the home: lol
Do you live on a homestead or do you hope to some day? our own 12 acres
What sorts of animals do you have, raise, if any?
Not to raise, but chickens, ducks, typical dogs and cats
all kinds of needlework
bargin hunting
Favorite Publication(s), magazines etc.:
What do you enjoy about our little "home away from home"?
great place to be!

Heather Mc
< < <
I'd rather be pruned branch (Jn 15:2)
than a dead fig! (Mt 21:19)