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Question of "this"week!

Posted by: seea <seea@...>

Hi feels like spring here in Tennessee and the time has come to CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!!! Sping cleaning is always a big ordeal and a chore to complete but doesn't a clean, organized house feel wonderful??? I have been in some houses that have a "place for everything and everything in it's place"!! It's a joy to sit and admire the organization.
Sad to say...I am not one of those women that has accomplished a "well-oiled" machine when it come whole house organization , a cleaning routine, etc.
My husband has agreed to let me "have" a down stairs closet solely for my homeschool materials, sewing supplies, machine, etc.. I don't know if all of you have a designated room for your school room or what but we do not, our kitchen table serves as just that --along with being a sewing table, classroom desk, etc. IT IS A MESS!! So I have BIG plans for that closet. This weekend we will build shelves galore and hopefully have a nice neat dining area again, I have missed it 🙂 Besides this I have been washing curtains, cleaning UNDER furniture...yuck!@# and vacumning spiderwebs from around ceiling boards, (those places I can't reach on a normal cleaning ) 🙂 I would love to shampoo the carpet, but that will have to wait I suppose. I hope to accomplish some of my organizational goals this year and have a "place" for at least Some of my "stuff".
SO, what I am wondering is any of you routinely do spring cleaning? And would mind sharing some of your cleaning and organizational secrets with us? What has helped you the most and WHY? What idea has most helped your household run more smoothly??? I sure all your idea will be helpful , so please step up and share with us! I for one definately need all the help i can get.!