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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Hello, LUMglobal folks!

We hope to send you a comprehensive update soon, but in the meantime,  . .

I've really missed sharing my weekly "kitchen table" Bible studies with many of you.  However, hopefully you watched my July 5th message I preached "live" at Greer Chapel about "Two Sins That Destroy a People".

Since coming to Greer, internet service and processing the Sunday videos have both been real challenges because they have essentially swallowed up all the preparation and editing time I had before.

So, after two weeks of being unable to properly prepare the sermon videos, I think I now have a little breathing room.

So, here is  my sermon I preached on July 12th as I sermon #2 in the series, "Yes, I Know . . . But Jesus Said".  It is entitled, "What Does Our Future Look Like?  It is possible that you Greer folks saw the longer unedited version via Steve's live stream so you can skip it if you wish.

Everyone has his or her own idea of what the future looks like for us. But, what does Jesus have to say about the matter?

That's what I tried to address in this sermon. Go to this link, and then feel free to pass it on. Sometimes Google Drive is a little slow, so you may want to just download the video and play from your own computer, tablet, or SmartPhone.

So, go to - .

If you have a problem, let me know

Pastor Bob

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