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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Hello, LUMglobal friends, family, and In-Pact Partners:

Here are two updates to follow-up the newsletter we sent out yesterday:

1.  Finally the sermon link  for today is finally available!  Our internet service at the RV was almost non-existent so finally on the way to supper, I dropped the laptop off at the Community Center, began the upload, locked the door, went to town for DQ's chicken fingers, stopped back by the Community Center (stll not done), took Jo Ann back to the RV, came back to the Community Center, and waited another 20 minutes for the upload to complete just so I could get this sermon to you.

That's how important you are to us.

So, here's my sermon from two weeks ago -- "Will I Find Faith Like This?".  That's what Jesus asked when a Roman Centurion soldier asked Jesus to just "say the word" and his servant would be healed.  Jesus asked whether or not He would ever find this kind of fith among the people who should be well acquainted with that kind of faith.  But, the Roman soldier outshown them all.

I hope it will stir your heart.  Go to  OR, if you prefer, you can also find the link on my Facebook page.


2.  Rejoice with us!  As of this evening, we are only $1,500 away from the $20,000 we need for the "new" (2018) ministry car.  We are asking the Lord to provide the rest this week so we can pick up the car and begin driving it.  God has been amazingly good in all of this, allowing us to explore a number of vehicles before directing us to the specific one we were not even considering -- a 2018 Dodge Grand Caravan with only 47,000 miles.  It is a "fleet" rental car, so most certainly has been well maintained, and the vast majority of miles have likely been highway miles.

We do ask you to pray for us, though, that the rest of the funds will come in quickly.

Now it's time for me to head back to the RV to spend the rest of the evening with Jo Ann.

We miss you all, and look forward to seeing you in a few months.  We plan to return to Yuma around mid to late October.

Bob (and Jo Ann)


Bob Tolliver
Life Unlimited Ministries

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