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Posted by: dabanks <dabanks@...>

Hi all, everyone sure is quiet this morning. Everyone ok?
Things here in the house are NOT quiet this morning. The birds have decided it is a day to scream, scream, scream. They usually are not this noisy. One of them keeps yelling "Give me a kiss you big duck!" over and over again, another keeps saying "goofy goofy baby" over and over, and another ones is saying "PeekO" (his name) over and over. The rest are just hollering. I went in and sang them some real upbeat songs..if your happy and you know it clap your hands, etc. They sure like that but it does not calm them down, they want more. Now my sons bird is yelling "Ken, boy". Nut house I tell ya! 🙂
I have to take a trip to the feed store and our business supplier this afternoon in Wisconsin, other than that...just lots of activity around here today.
How is your day going??
Love and blessings, Julie