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Posted by: mctbeardorton <mctbeardorton@...>

Don't know if list is quite or if mail is just not coming thru . Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving . Has anyone heard from Susi since she was staying in motel due to weather? Lisa , glad your Mom is doing so good . Sounds like she could work circles around us  or me anyway . . Haven't seem any pics from Patricia  of the girls lately . Are you still at same place or have you moved? Bonnie hope you are ok . I know this is a sad time for you .Hope everyone else is doing good . I am still knitting a little bit  but I have to admit not as much as I used to do . The reading bug  has bitten me now . That is the way I do . I read a lot , then will get tired of reading and go back to something else. I need to get my house cleaned up  . Don't know that I am going to put up a tree this year . I have put a wreath out  and hung a snowman on my door . I hoe me and my computer can be "friends " now and not "enemies" I have to admit .. this thing scares me to death. LOL   Carolyn   (hope this makes it thru)


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