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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Hello, LUMglobal Family!

Today is a bright sunny . . . and a litlte cool . . . day in the White Mountains.  Services will begin shortly, but I wanted to send this link to you from a sermon I preached two weeks ago on an interesting event that took place in the lives of Jesus' disciples.  It illustrates the struggle that many people are having today in the middle of all this "mess".

"Fearful?   Jesus said, STOP FEARING!!!"

Go to this Google Drive link where you can either watch on line or can download to your computer to keep and watch later, or again --

It is impossible for me to upload to my Facebook page (horribly slow and unreliable connection), so the best I can do is post the link.

This has been a challenging time here in Greer with so many of our folks either still not here, or here but too hesitant to mix and mingle or attend services.  It has also been a challenge for us personally in that, since our car was "totaled" a few weeks ago, we are still waiting for the insurance company to deposit the settlement so we can try to find another vehicle.  Pray for us that we can find the right car, AND that we can come up with another $2,000 to $3,000 so we can get a newer model with lower miles.

We appreciate getting occasional texts and e-mails from a number of you, and they always lift our spirits.

Just remember ---- God is still in sovereign control, and everything is going to be OK. ---- not what we may have wanted or expected, ---- but still OK.

Recently my Prescott cousin, Ken, sent me the following story:

A man was walking through the local park and happened upon a Little League baseball game.  He decided to watch some of the game, so sat down in the bleachers behind the first base line.

Asking one of the boys what the score was, the boy said, with a big smile on his face, -- "We're behind 14-0."

Shocked, the man said, "Wow!  You must really be discouraged being so far behind!"

The boy replied, "No!  Why should I be discouraged???  We haven't been up to bat yet!"

The story reminded me ---- Stop fearing!!!  Jesus hasn't been up to bat yet!!! 

(I think He's gonna hit a "homer".)

In His Bond,

Pastor Bob and Jo Ann


Bob Tolliver
Life Unlimited Ministries

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