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QUOTES and COUNTERFEITS! - Please Comment

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

NOTE re: WATCHMAN RADIO- Andrew Strom will be live on
Watchman Radio this Saturday night JULY 3rd, at 11pm EST
on 4.840 MgHz - or you can listen Live Stream at- (-also transmitted across
the USA on WWCR Network). "Kundalini Warning" will be the topic!

QUOTES and COUNTERFEITS! - Please Comment
-Andrew Strom.

The last few days we have had a lot of "commenting" going on -
on Youtube, Facebook, etc - over this whole issue of "counterfeit
manifestations" - and how do we tell the true from the false?

Below are some quotes that we have published on this issue to
hopefully help people grapple with this. Some of these are quite
provocative. We will be discussing this on our website today and
would love your comments. Here are the quotes-

(1) Frank Bartleman (of the Azusa Street Revival) wrote: "Many are
willing to seek 'power' from every battery they can lay their hands
on, in order to perform miracles... A true 'Pentecost' will produce
a mighty conviction for sin, a turning to God. False manifestations
produce only excitement and wonder... Any work that exalts the
Holy Ghost or the 'gifts' above Jesus will finally land up in fanaticism."

(2) 'Timbro' posted this question- "Just wondered if Andrew would
like to comment on this extract from John Wesley’s experience as
to whether he thinks this is not the Holy Spirit. Quote “John Wesley
was a man mighty in faith and prayer. Time and again, people
possessed with devils were brought to him and in answer to prayer,
the demons were cast out. Not only were evil spirits cast out, but
the sick were healed as well. As Wesley preached, the power of
God often came upon his listeners, and hundreds would fall under
the power of the Spirit. Then, in answer, to prayer their souls and
bodies were healed.
A physician became offended at the cries of many who fell under
the power of God. He attended Wesley’s meeting and a woman
he knew fell under the power. “Great drops of sweat ran down her
face, and all her bones shook. But when both her soul and body
were healed in a moment he acknowledged the finger of God.”

ANDREW REPLIES- "In John Wesley's quote above, what is clear
is that he is CASTING OUT demons, rather than spreading their
bizarre manifestations and calling it a "good" thing!!
We often see "falling down under the power" in past Revivals. But
usually it was caused by tremendous CONVICTION and people
actually TREMBLED at the preaching of the word! (Like Felix in
Acts when Paul preached). Most people do not understand what
the true Revivalists were about. It was piercing repentance and
holiness preaching - CONVICTION OF SIN. And a true "clean heart"
experience at the end of it. The last thing they wanted was a whole
movement of weird manifestations!! God forbid!
I wish people would study Revival - and get to the heart of what it
really used to mean."

(3) Final quote from Andrew Strom- 'People say "Let's not discern
by outward appearance." So they are saying that which looks and
sounds and feels "Demonic" is OK. I say that the first element of
real discernment is "common sense". Lose this and you lose
everything. If it looks demonic and sounds demonic and feels
demonic - it is probably demonic.'

-YOUR COMMENTS? - Please post them at the website below-

God bless you all!