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"Raggedy Undies"

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

One morning I was searching through my undie drawer. It was very early and I
didn't want to turn the light on and wake my sleeping hubby, so I searched
in the dark. There seemed to be just enough light shining from under the
bathroom door to help me see the difference between my old raggedy undies
and my new ones. I grabbed a pair that looked and felt new and in good shape
and off I went to take my shower.
Now, I realize that probably none of you reading this, have to worry about
rummaging through your undie drawers for the "good ones"....and I'm sure
that you throw yours away when they are all raggedy, but not this girl! For
some reason, I keep them aside in case there's an no
electricity and therefore no washing machine! lol

I can't believe I am telling you about this, but it's helped me to
understand a few things, and I pray that it might help someone else who may
be reading this...

Over the past year, God has answered a lot of my questions with beautiful
little "picture stories". I never really had a name for these little
treasures until I read an article that a friend wrote in which she described
them so perfectly. Thanks, Hannah!

Sometimes, God answers our questions by "showing" us in "the little things"
that happen in our life. And now, I'd like to share with you just what He
"showed" me that morning in the wee hours of the morning....

When I had finished my shower and was about to get dressed, I reached for my
undies and was totally shocked and amazed!!! I was holding a pair of my
worst undies!!!

And then my little picture story began..

A few days before, I had been wondering why some of my family and friends
couldn't see that it wasn't good to be doing the things that the world was
doing. They kept telling me that not everyone agrees with me on what is
bad....what I might think may be bad, someone else may not.

I just couldn't understand this. It doesn't matter what "I" think, or what
anyone else may think, if God says it is wrong....then it's WRONG!!!

So, here I stood looking down at my raggedy undies. The ones that when I had
looked at them in the dark, they looked just fine! When I held them in the
dark, they seemed to shine because they were so white and there wasn't any
ragged edges, they looked GREAT! But oh, in the light, as I looked down at
them, they took on a whole different appearance, all of a sudden, they
looked awful, dingy, raggedy and I couldn't wait to get rid of them!

And hence came my answer....

When we are living in the "dark", everything looks fine and we can't see
anything wrong with the things that we are doing.


When we bring those things into God's "light" and Holiness, then they take
on a whole different appearance. In His light where we can finally "see" the
truth of what we have been looking at, we become ashamed and can't believe
that we held on to these so tightly.

Because we can't always "see" these things (sins), we need to ask God to
show us anything in our lives that is not pleasing to Him. If we will ask
Him, He will show us.

Have you asked Him to "show" you what's not pleasing to Him in your life?

Please ask Him, He is a loving God and He will not turn away from a humble
heart. He will help you to "see" and then to "fix" it. He won't leave you
alone to do it by yourself. If you seek to please Him, He will help you! He
loves you and wants what is best for you. He wants so much to bless you, but
can only do that if we are willing to obey Him...

So, come on....join the "Raggedy Undies" Club today and let's all start
cleaning out those old and raggedy "undies" and replace them with some good,
clean, new ones!

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara