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rainy days

Posted by: empalo <empalo@...>

The rain is falling steadily here is north Texas, its such a welcome sight.
The grass is greening up, the rose bushes are sprouting new leaves.
Its almost like a tease of spring but with winter to follow.
It has me bringing out the unfished quilts I put away when the summer
heat came, and making soup instead of cool summer dishes.
The freezer is full of meals made in advance of need, and splashes
of color from home grown fruits and veggies.
For me, fall on the homestead is the time when I can sit back and really
take a good hard look at the blessings we have.
Children around the table with their school books, sweet smelling cinnamon
in the simmer pot, gentle light from the kerosene lamps in the evening.
Farm critters resting in the sweet smelling hay. Fresh eggs in the basket,
waiting to be made into something yummy.
All these things are simple maybe, but huge blessings from God.
How nice it is to live the simple life.
