Re: Till The Storm Passes By
Quote from Forum Archives on October 13, 2009, 9:55 amPosted by: masinick <masinick@...>
My friends, I must not have been the only one with thoughts of "The Storms of Life". Tangle produced a devotional today about "The Perfect Storm". If you are interested in reading it as well, check out is the answer to every storm; cling to Him today and seek Him in everything, and trust Him always, for direction in your life, call upon the Holy Spirit in His Name to guide you, and seek Him for salvation. If you are not 100% certain that you have a home reserved for you in Heaven today, cry out to Jesus. He did not go to the Cross for nothing; He went to the Cross to secure a home for you in Heaven - cleansing the sin that you cannot cleanse, forgiving you completely, and interceding on your behalf. He offers all of that, but He NEVER EVER forces it upon you; it is a free gift.
The one requirement to experience eternal life with God instead of eternal torment - you will experience one or the other - is to trust the provision of Jesus Christ and the Word of God. So many people think that they need to DO this or that. Well, we should do good, don't mistake me on that, but our good deeds profit nothing and earn nothing in the Kingdom of God unless we take God at His Word - that Jesus Christ earned for us what we could not pay back to God - perfection and forgiveness. Why? Because Jesus Christ is God in the flesh and He paid it ALL for us!
Why would He bother? Because of His great, never ending love for us.
The letter of the apostle Paul to the church at Rome - the Book of Romans in the Bible, goes into great detail, outlining our state in life without God, and our need for a Savior, how the Jews are God's chosen people, yet how most of them missed the Messiah - Jesus Christ. Paul explains our condition, our need, and how Jesus Christ completely, in every way, meets that need and satisfies every condition of God. If you have never read the crucial Book of Romans, then read it today: Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:1, Romans 5:8, Romans 10:9-10,13. This is called "The Romans Road" and "The Way to Salvation".
If you ever have any questions, I would be delighted to discuss them with anyone at any time.
Yours in Christ,
Brianthe original note below:
Brian Masinick wrote: <blockquote cite="mid:[email protected]" type="cite"> Dear friends,
My pastor has, on a couple of occasions, sung the song, "Till the Storm Passes By" as a special anthem just prior to preaching a Sermon to prepare our hearts to hear the Word of God preached. I heard the forecast for New Hampshire today that there would be "overnight precipitation", which meant that it would be raining overnight, and with temperatures in the twenties and thirties, in some areas there might even be SNOW!
I awoke this morning and could hear the "pitter patter" of drops, so I figured that if there was any snow at all, it was a mix. When I actually got out of bed, I saw that at least in Concord where I live, it was only rain. But I went to bed last night praying that the Lord would bring me through my current circumstances, my storms of life.
I have already gone through foreclosure proceedings on my home, my job search so far has been coming up empty, even though I am averaging three job prospects a week, and I am now less than a month from being physically evicted from the home that I have owned for twelve years now.
Do you think I may have been thinking about my "storms of life"? I was, and I am. I prayed when I went to bed, and I prayed when I woke up. The song that follows came to my mind as I awoke, and I also thought about the struggles that Job faced.
I have not yet faced the difficulties that Job faced, and Lord willing, I will not. I have not even faced the difficulties that friends like Charles Ndambuki, a native of Eldoret, Kenya, or the people of his village, are, at this very moment, facing - famine, drought, sickness, and death of both livestock and people. Charles has asked more than once, "Where are you, God?" He has repeatedly asked for forgiveness for the people of Kenya, protections for his family, and relief from the conditions.
The situations that my friends in Kenya face do not stop me from asking for relief of my own infirmities, but they do help me to be also mindful of others, not just of my own current plight. When I checked on foreclosures, mine was not, by any means, the only one, even in my own community; there were a shocking number of them either planned or already underway.
Friends, at the very least, please pray on behalf of those in need - including me. I have another job prospect this week; please pray that it finally works out, so that at least I will not end up homeless, that I can start over. Pray for others who are struggling too. By all means, pray for countries and regions that are even more devastated than the economic struggles we face in the USA. In spite of our problems, we are still far better off financially than some of the countries rocked by famine, earthquakes, tsunami destruction, war, and other harsh fates.
If you are not the victim of any of this and you are gainfully employed right now, praise and thank the Good Lord from the bottom of your heart. If you have any means at all, help someone out - maybe a disaster relief fund, maybe a friend. You know, those people affected by Katrina a few years back still bear the scars; many have never recovered. What if you become one of those struggling one day? Be thankful for each day, thank the Lord, pray continually, and make a difference in the lives of those you know. If you do those things, not in your own strength, but acknowledge the God who gives so freely, but has the right to give and take as He chooses, the Bible says that you will be rewarded with crowns, which you may then lay at the feet of Jesus on the final Day of Triumph!
O Give Thanks to the Lord, for He is Good; His mercy endures forever. (Referenced numerous times and in various words and phrases in the Book of Psalms).
Yours in Christ,
BrianTill The Storm Passes By
Mark 4:39-41
39 Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace, be still!" And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. 40 But He said to them, "Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?" 41 And they feared exceedingly, and said to one another, "Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him!"
Words and Music by Mosie Lister
In the dark of the midnight have I oft hid my face,
While the storm howls above me, and there's no hiding place.
'Mid the crash of the thunder, Precious Lord, hear my cry,
Keep me safe till the storm passes by.Till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more,
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky;
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand,
Keep me safe till the storm passes by.Many times Satan whispered, "There is no need to try,
For there's no end of sorrow, there's no hope by and by"
But I know Thou art with me, and tomorrow I'll rise
Where the storms never darken the skies.Till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more,
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky;
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand,
Keep me safe till the storm passes by.When the long night has ended and the storms come no more,
Let me stand in Thy presence on the bright peaceful shore;
In that land where the tempest, never comes, Lord, may I
Dwell with Thee when the storm passes by.Till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more,
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky;
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand,
Keep me safe till the storm passes by.-- To unsubscribe, send ANY message to: [email protected]
Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>
Christ is the answer to every storm; cling to Him today and seek Him in everything, and trust Him always, for direction in your life, call upon the Holy Spirit in His Name to guide you, and seek Him for salvation. If you are not 100% certain that you have a home reserved for you in Heaven today, cry out to Jesus. He did not go to the Cross for nothing; He went to the Cross to secure a home for you in Heaven - cleansing the sin that you cannot cleanse, forgiving you completely, and interceding on your behalf. He offers all of that, but He NEVER EVER forces it upon you; it is a free gift.
The one requirement to experience eternal life with God instead of eternal torment - you will experience one or the other - is to trust the provision of Jesus Christ and the Word of God. So many people think that they need to DO this or that. Well, we should do good, don't mistake me on that, but our good deeds profit nothing and earn nothing in the Kingdom of God unless we take God at His Word - that Jesus Christ earned for us what we could not pay back to God - perfection and forgiveness. Why? Because Jesus Christ is God in the flesh and He paid it ALL for us!
Why would He bother? Because of His great, never ending love for us.
The letter of the apostle Paul to the church at Rome - the Book of Romans in the Bible, goes into great detail, outlining our state in life without God, and our need for a Savior, how the Jews are God's chosen people, yet how most of them missed the Messiah - Jesus Christ. Paul explains our condition, our need, and how Jesus Christ completely, in every way, meets that need and satisfies every condition of God. If you have never read the crucial Book of Romans, then read it today: Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:1, Romans 5:8, Romans 10:9-10,13. This is called "The Romans Road" and "The Way to Salvation".
If you ever have any questions, I would be delighted to discuss them with anyone at any time.
Yours in Christ,
the original note below:
Brian Masinick wrote: <blockquote cite="mid:[email protected]" type="cite"> Dear friends,
My pastor has, on a couple of occasions, sung the song, "Till the Storm Passes By" as a special anthem just prior to preaching a Sermon to prepare our hearts to hear the Word of God preached. I heard the forecast for New Hampshire today that there would be "overnight precipitation", which meant that it would be raining overnight, and with temperatures in the twenties and thirties, in some areas there might even be SNOW!
I awoke this morning and could hear the "pitter patter" of drops, so I figured that if there was any snow at all, it was a mix. When I actually got out of bed, I saw that at least in Concord where I live, it was only rain. But I went to bed last night praying that the Lord would bring me through my current circumstances, my storms of life.
I have already gone through foreclosure proceedings on my home, my job search so far has been coming up empty, even though I am averaging three job prospects a week, and I am now less than a month from being physically evicted from the home that I have owned for twelve years now.
Do you think I may have been thinking about my "storms of life"? I was, and I am. I prayed when I went to bed, and I prayed when I woke up. The song that follows came to my mind as I awoke, and I also thought about the struggles that Job faced.
I have not yet faced the difficulties that Job faced, and Lord willing, I will not. I have not even faced the difficulties that friends like Charles Ndambuki, a native of Eldoret, Kenya, or the people of his village, are, at this very moment, facing - famine, drought, sickness, and death of both livestock and people. Charles has asked more than once, "Where are you, God?" He has repeatedly asked for forgiveness for the people of Kenya, protections for his family, and relief from the conditions.
The situations that my friends in Kenya face do not stop me from asking for relief of my own infirmities, but they do help me to be also mindful of others, not just of my own current plight. When I checked on foreclosures, mine was not, by any means, the only one, even in my own community; there were a shocking number of them either planned or already underway.
Friends, at the very least, please pray on behalf of those in need - including me. I have another job prospect this week; please pray that it finally works out, so that at least I will not end up homeless, that I can start over. Pray for others who are struggling too. By all means, pray for countries and regions that are even more devastated than the economic struggles we face in the USA. In spite of our problems, we are still far better off financially than some of the countries rocked by famine, earthquakes, tsunami destruction, war, and other harsh fates.
If you are not the victim of any of this and you are gainfully employed right now, praise and thank the Good Lord from the bottom of your heart. If you have any means at all, help someone out - maybe a disaster relief fund, maybe a friend. You know, those people affected by Katrina a few years back still bear the scars; many have never recovered. What if you become one of those struggling one day? Be thankful for each day, thank the Lord, pray continually, and make a difference in the lives of those you know. If you do those things, not in your own strength, but acknowledge the God who gives so freely, but has the right to give and take as He chooses, the Bible says that you will be rewarded with crowns, which you may then lay at the feet of Jesus on the final Day of Triumph!
O Give Thanks to the Lord, for He is Good; His mercy endures forever. (Referenced numerous times and in various words and phrases in the Book of Psalms).
Yours in Christ,
Till The Storm Passes By
Mark 4:39-41
39 Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace, be still!" And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. 40 But He said to them, "Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?" 41 And they feared exceedingly, and said to one another, "Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him!"
Words and Music by Mosie Lister
In the dark of the midnight have I oft hid my face,
While the storm howls above me, and there's no hiding place.
'Mid the crash of the thunder, Precious Lord, hear my cry,
Keep me safe till the storm passes by.
Till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more,
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky;
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand,
Keep me safe till the storm passes by.
Many times Satan whispered, "There is no need to try,
For there's no end of sorrow, there's no hope by and by"
But I know Thou art with me, and tomorrow I'll rise
Where the storms never darken the skies.
Till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more,
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky;
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand,
Keep me safe till the storm passes by.
When the long night has ended and the storms come no more,
Let me stand in Thy presence on the bright peaceful shore;
In that land where the tempest, never comes, Lord, may I
Dwell with Thee when the storm passes by.
Till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more,
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky;
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand,
Keep me safe till the storm passes by.
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