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RE: 2.0 Development Status - Where are we?

Posted by: joerevesz <joerevesz@...>

Hello again Jason,


Yes, the email list is hard to go through, unless you get into MimerDesk – you may be able to search the messages. is a free service to us, so maybe we don't have some of the bells and whistles people expect.


I would be interested in hearing your suggestions on name changes.  By the way, players do not use the ShadowStone, in the original version of the rules, they are reserved for Dark Creature use.


We have heard your other suggestions (d20, Youtube, media options, etc.) before, but thank you for bringing them up again.


Since this is a fan effort and no one is getting paid to do anything, any most work that gets done is done very slowly.  As I wrote you before, there have been plenty of volunteers who took on projects and never did much.  So only a couple of us actually do the job.  Playtesting the new adventures is the only thing that gets us much feedback, but even then it is sporadic and sketchy.

There are a couple of exceptions to this state of affairs, but I am not going to name the individuals here.  I very much appreciate their help.




From: [] On Behalf Of Jason Scannell
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 8:47 AM
Subject: RE: [DragonRaid] 2.0 Development Status - Where are we?


Being newer to the list, I tried to go back with the list commands and read past emails. While things are slow right now, there were thousands of emails going back quite a few years. Not the best way to organize a project, and I wasn't about to try and wrap my head around it!

A few thoughts, I would love to hear people's opinions.

- I would seriously consider using the d20 Open Game License from Wizards of the Coast. Yes, the folks that bought TSR and currently own D&D. I believe they have a great system with many years of playtesting behind it.

- With the above, I would suggest a review of naming every element of the game something fantasy related. For example, I have no intention of telling my players to "Roll the Shadow Stone." That probably sounded cool once, but is really extra fluff. This and a handful of other terms might not be needed.

- If version 2 were to come out, I think offering a free PDF download with a modest print on demand in both soft and hard covers is the right way to go.

- Between now and version 2 coming out, there needs to be an official DragonRaid channel on Youtube and an active twitter user. Not to spam the world that we exist, but to engage the world. Not to engage is flame wars and debates, but to explain who we are and why we do what we do. I for one, not having played the game yet, would benefit from some youtube videos on gameplay. The audio intro is great for it's time BTW, the original game designers were really on the ball when they made this game.

Just a few points from the new guy...

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