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RE: A few random questions

Posted by: joerevesz <joerevesz@...>

Hello Art,

Thanks for checking in with us about this. Though you are free to write whatever you please, it would be great if you could stick close to "canon" - we may be able to make it offical at some point down the road.

Responses to your questions:

1) The Sacred Scrolls and the Bible are essentially the same. People on EdenAgain
will not necessarily understand the idea of another planet far, far away, but they don't have to. The current LightRaider Handbook says that the Scrolls tell of another group of the OverLord's people, but that may come out of the Second Edition book to help keep the game in one world and not flung across the galaxy. I think that the ties will be a bit more blured.

2) Yes, sort of, see above. And yes, the spaceships are coming out as well. But he spaceships never came from Earth, plenty of other planets, but not Earth. Theologically, having people cooperate with the Red Dragon by providing him with victims is bad for the game. So, all the dark creatures will be home-grown on EdenAgain.

3) Interesting that you should ask. Scott Field's DragonRaid novel deals with a form of communion in a spectacular way. But, most any of the sacraments can be
presented as you want, as long as it is respectful. There is a bit of leeway here.

And, no, the Passage Lakes do not represent someone being made part of the Body; that would be baptism, however you would do it. The Passage Lakes are portals for traveling.

Dick once told me something to the effect that not everything in the system is an allegory for something. In a way, they were just cool to add to the world.

Any other questions?



Art wrote:

One thing I'm trying to get a better picture of is the DragonRaid
setting. I'm trying to do some "in canon" writing, but wouldn't want to
contradict anything present in the game. (Though I do suppose artistic
license does apply).


1) What is the relationship between the Sacred Scrolls of EdenAgain and
the Bible of Earth? I remember reading something sometime ago that
explained it rather clearly, but I can't remember it any more. Which
leads me to my next question...

2) Does the 2nd Edition of DragonRaid do away with the EdenAgain taking
place in the same "universe" as Earth? That is, the derelict spaceship
that we find mentioned in the LightRaider handbook no longer exists and
any connection between Earth and EA is the same as between Earth and
Narnia? So that the Great Rescue is a parallel event to the Gospel
(which is a parallel event to Aslan's slaying for example).

3) I don't come from a confessional or high church background, so don't
read way too much into this, but how do the sacraments (or ordinances
depending on your tradition) of the Lord's Supper and Baptism translate
into the living symbolism of EdenAgain? I understand that the Passage
Lakes form something of the Biblical symbolism of being made part of the
Body of Christ, but then again only partly, and only if you squint a bit.

Any input would be appreciated.
