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Re: Lent Sermons sets

Posted by: bhfbc <bhfbc@...>

On Tue, 4 Feb 2003 13:35:13 -0500 "phbc" <> writes:

Dear Friends, 

Lent is coming up, and I am always interested in ideas from other pastors for series of sermons leading up to Easter. Would you be willing to dig up a few sets from the past and share them? Here are some of mine that may jog a few ideas for you...

Sorry this has set around so long without the courtesy of a reply. 
For the past 5 years or so, I have used the 50-Day Spiritual Adventure, so my sermon series have followed the Spiritual Adventure theme from year to year.  This year, it is "Daring to Dream Again: Overcoming Barriers that Hold You Back." 
I will look up my themes, Scripture, and titles from the recent past and put them together in a message.
In Christ,
Chuck Layne