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re: ADHD and ADD

Posted by: empalo <empalo@...>

Greetings in the Precious Name of our Lord,

One thing I feel led to add in regard to my experience with lables such as ADD and ADHD.
Our oldest son no longer has ADHD, and in my opionion and this is just how my husband
and I feel. This child was like a wild man when he came to us and so knowing nothing
much more about children like this, (we have two lovely daughters who behave well in all
situations) we soon found that a solid joint action appraoch to this young boy who seemed
a bit overactive, could do much.
Now, it took us years to deal with all the trama that this child has seen in his life,
being beaten, starved, abused in many ways. He even suffers Post tramatic stress, reacts
like he is shell shocked. But, a few trips to the wood shed so to speak, did much for this boy,
regarding his seemingly undless energy, along with limits and assured consequences for certain behaviors..
We did use Valerian to calm him down, he needed that from what his past was.
So my advice is strictly coming from the place of dealing with a child who was not raised
in my home for the first 8 years of his life. Our youngest son, is a severly troubled child, so I will
not use him as an example.
I am not sure what I am saying here, except that I am uncomfortable with giving any child
a lable that seems to identify but offer little but an opportunity to medicate. I am not saying
you are doing that, this is a general statement.
There are some children that just seem to have stronger wills, and are more determined to
do what they want, when they want, and who have trouble setteling down. I am not sure
saying they are ADD and ADHD helps.
My son came with the lable ADHD and they called him a "trash can kid" a child no one else would adopt.
In looking at him now, I think maybe he would not have been so named, if he has always been
in my home, since he is now over and has been over his ADHD for the past 4 years. So is it a chemical
imbalance, a genetic thing or a under-developed nervous sytem, or was it just that he was terribley
unruly ? He has been with us for 8 years. All children are differnet.
And this is just my thoughts on my son.