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RE: Age Appropriateness

Posted by: joerevesz <joerevesz@...>

Though the DragonRaid material seems to be written for young teens, I don't think that there is a problem with using it for younger kids.  As noted by others, I believe that it depends on the individual kid.


There may be some elements that you will want to change, such as reducing the amount of combat and maybe increasing some kind of problem solving, but again, it depends on the kids that you are working with.  You may want to talk to their parents to get an idea of what, if anything to avoid, or even some ideas on what to include.  Say one kid likes animals a lot, you may want to have talking animals pop in with regularity.  Or, if one of the kids likes NASCAR, maybe a reward could be to go to some kind of wagon race (or even to be in one).  I think that you get the idea.  Throwing in a thing or two once in a while that helps keep their interests isn't a bad idea.




From: Aaron Siddall []

A question for you AM's out there. At what age do you think a child is best able to handle Dragonraid? I am thinking of running a game, and we have a 10 year old and a 12 year old in our Sunday School, with another possible 10 year old. All are a bit high-strung/ADHD but capable of concentration when something engages their curiosity.

Any advice will be helpful.

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