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RE: Animal Attack Chart

Posted by: joerevesz <joerevesz@...>

There is a somewhat more expanded animal chart at .




From: [] On Behalf Of Ed Backell
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2015 7:30 PM
Subject: [DragonRaid] Animal Attack Chart


My name is Ed Backell, and I'm the pastor at Warden Community Church, in the little town of Warden, Washington.


I've also been a Dragonraid player since it first came out. I still have my initial box set, which I have kept in good condition, and now I'm able to play it with my teenage children. It's been pretty great.


Years ago, I began work on some additional resources for DR. Since I'm a fan of wilderness encounters as parties move from place to place, I created an expanded animal encounters table. Some of the values are from the Player's Guide, page 83, but the additional entries are my own, and I thought you might be able to use them. They are copy and pasted from a spreadsheet, so you should be able to cut-and-paste them right back in, and have them all line up nicely. (in other words, they're all separated with tabs.)


Happy Raiding!


            Attack Ability Physical Vitality          Damage

Badger 7          2          1

Badger, giant  8          4          4

Bear     10        30        (1-10)+3

Beaver 2          4          (1-4)-1

Beaver, giant   3          6          (1-6)

Boar, wild       12        14        (1-10)

Boar, giant      14        16        (1-10)+2

Boar, warthog 13        15        (1-10)+1

Bull     6          18        (1-6)

Camel, wild     5          13        (1-6)-1

Dog, war         6          9          (1-8)+1

Dog, wild        3          6          (1-4)

Eagle, giant     9          16        (1-10)

Goat, giant      6          14        (1-8)

Horse   6          14        (1-6)

Horse, war       10        18        (1-10)+2

Jaguar  14        14        (1-10)+3

Leopard           10        14        (1-10)

Lion     12        16        (1-10)+1

Lynx, giant      8          13        (1-8)

Otter, giant      8          4          3

Owl, giant       6          6          (1-6)

Porcupine        4          4          (1-5)

Porcupine, giant          6          6          (1-8)

Skunk  2          3          (1-4)-1

Skunk, giant    3          5          (1-6)-1

Stag, giant       10        25        (1-10)

Tiger    12        15        (1-10)

Weasel, giant   8          4          3

Wolverine        7          4          4

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