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RE. Anna

Posted by: ashevillenc <ashevillenc@...>

One good thing is that this little girl has been in a Christian home.  They just didn't know how to handle a crying child.  They have 4 other children one adopted from China.  I really like the couple.  Howe er they just didn't know how to treat a heartbroken child and handle her so they retreated.  The mother told me later that her husband didn't really want to do it but it was her.  I saw it when I met them the day they returned from China.  Sigh.  Like you said if you could have kept that little girls he may have had a chance.  I feel the same way with Anna.  It is up to God.  Dear Kathie has given, ,e alot of good advice on this!

It is snowing here. Been very cold and going to drop into single digits tonight .  It is about 13 out there now and the wind is howling.  I miss my wee sheep but we are very comfortable here and thankful for it.
We dissected owl pellets today and made small  handmade Apple pies, did some biology, read and are now just resting.  I get so cold lately since losing all that weight!  I don't have all that blubber to keep me warm!   We are still working on getting sometime of insurance so we can get Piper's ear fixed and get her a sophomore hearing device.  

Let us not forget to pray for our dear sister Marci.  Oh how I want to see a great healing in Jesus names!

In Him, Patricia

Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 07:34:10 -0700
Subject: Re: [HomeSteadHeaven] rain, pain and gain

Hi Patricia,
Nothing in the water here! My thumb was injured when I fell in the bathtub. I was on my knees rinsing my hair with our hand-held sprayer and lost my balance. I caught myself with my left hand with most of my weight going on my thumb. Unfortunately, once my thumb had stopped on the bottom of the tub, it then slid outwards away from my hand because the bottom of tub was so slippery. Dh's wrists had carpal tunnel syndrome and his ulnar nerve was being compressed at his elbows. His situation is likely due to his genetics and physical structure. My situation is due to an injury. I should have not been on my knees on a slippery tub bottom! 
I am glad you are seriously considering the impact that Anna could have on your family if you were to adopt her. Before we ever adopted our four, we brought dh's step-niece to live with us. She was living with her abusive mom and dh's brother, and we wanted to help. The first time she lived with us was a challenge, but since she was only three, we felt it was possible for her to still be okay. Her mother took her back after one month, just when she was settling in. Four years later, her mom asked us to take her again. WHAT A NIGHTMARE!! By the age of seven, so much had happened to her, and she was a very disturbed child. Her behaviors impacted dh, our two boys, and I in a huge way. Every day was filled with stress and difficulty. I could have poured all my energy into her, and it wouldn't have been enough. She had spent time in a psych hospital before she came here, and had supposedly threatened her mom with a knife. Her mom was a very mean lady so who knows what all the little girl had endured. The stress finally got so bad, I couldn't eat and was becoming very forgetful. The little girl acted inappropriately towards my two boys and was very friendly with any men friends or relatives. We had talked of adopting her and her mother was more than happy to allow it, but one day, the Lord gave me great clarity, and I made a reservation for her to fly home. Our hearts were broken for the little girl that she used to be and for the potential of what she could have been. Her mother had caused or allowed serious damage to be done to her. We finally had to realize that we weren't willing to sacrifice our two boys to help the girl. We weren't willing to lose our health or our marriage trying to fix problems that had started at the little girl's birth. Her mother (a very messed-up gal) later left dh's brother and the two daughters she had with him. 
After putting her on the plane, I felt a huge burden leave my shoulders. It was an actual physical sensation. When dh and I got home, I snuggled and read with my two boys on the couch for a long time. It was such a relief to have that tension gone from myself and from our home. We had a very peaceful, orderly life before she arrived and were barely getting through each day by the time she left. Looking back, I realize we were in no way equipped to handle her and all the horrors she had experienced. Our experience with her is why we decided we would only adopt newborn babies. God blessed that decision with four newborns in five years' time :)
I'm praying for you and Hugh!
Lisa NM

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