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Re: another wheat question

Posted by: MSCHWARTZ7 <MSCHWARTZ7@...>

Hello again!
Does anyone think I would be able to grow Prairie Gold wheat? We have 13
acres, most of it field. It's planted in corn this year by a neighbor
farmer. He would probably be willing to plant and harvest wheat for us as a
barter for something or for a reasonable fee. Should I go for it next year??
It would be nice to make breads and things with wheat we "grew ourselves"!
Also, I've looked into having wheat berries shipped and it's not cheap! I
know other types of wheat are grown in this area -- even right across the
street from me.
Also, all this talk about chickens is giving me the desire to have them
again. Could I get them now or should I wait until spring? We had chickens
for several years but don't have any now. I miss those fresh brown eggs (we
had Rhode Island Reds). If I got chickens again I would want hens that would
brood (is that the right term?).
ysiC, MaryLynn