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re: attatchment disorder

Posted by: empalo <empalo@...>

<<<<,How in the world does one help these
kids. >>>>>>

I don't have any real answers. Our live has been turned upside down
by our youngest. He has stolen, lied, set fire to our pasture, is so
charming to strangers, he has no sense of guilt, hoards food, eats so
fast you can see clumps of food go down his throat. Has hit me,
tried to kill me, molested a young boy and so many daily trials.
But he has made headway that no one would ever think would happen.
I pray, I pray and I pray some more. I figure God knew what he was
doing to let me have such a child. I think about his birth parents and
contemplate the text that tells us the sins of the father visit unto the
third and fourth generation. I wonder if this was the old testament times
if this child would have been allowed to live, or would have been stoned
by the elders. I am thankful for the power of Jesus to see men transformed.
I try to be patient and I am not always. I sent him to school this year after
homeschooling him for three years. I needed a break from him and so
didn't the other children.
You can't love them enough to make up for their loss. I thought Love
cures all and it doesn't.
I can only count the small successes and try to see them as huge

humbly seeking Him,